
If you have any questions or feedback about your museum
visit or tickets you purchased, please get in touch.

Contact Details

Postal Address

Smritivan Earthquake Museum
Bhujio Dungar, Bhuj, Gujarat 370020
T: +916357199991


Fields marked with * are required.

1. Please specify this query is regarding?

2. How did you discover the Smiritivan Earthquake Memorial Museum?

3. What was the main reason for your visit to the museum?

4. Where did you obtain the tickets?

5. How would you rate your experience with hygiene & housekeeping management?

6. How would you rate your experience with the museum guides?

7. How would you rate your experience with crowd management and security?

8. How would you rate your experience with ticket management and distribution?

9. How would you rate the accessibility and availability of amenities (restrooms, seating areas, etc.) within the museum?

10. How would you rate your overall experience at the museum?

11. How would you rate your overall experience at the Smritivan Memorial?

12. Would you recommend this museum to others?

13. Please do give us any specific feedback. We would love to hear from you.